Love This Life

Creating cherished moments, unforgettable memories, and extraordinary experiences


From the very beginning we experienced an unparalleled level of professionalism, creativity, and dedication. They took the time to listen to our vision and preferences, ensuring that every detail was meticulously incorporated into the event plans.
— S. Armstrong
The execution of each event showcased their organizational skill and ability to navigate any challenges that arose, making the experience not only stress-free but also enjoyable for everyone involved.
— C. Alexander
As a new business owner orchestrating my first event, Love This Life was a godsend for me. I was celebrating the conclusion of the first season of my podcast, the launchpad to my brand, and wanted a chic invite-only event to thank my community for their support. My guest commented on how beautiful the space was and particularly loved the Event venue, table decorations, and balloon arched entrance.
— J. Louviere